Mine Subsidence Maitland Road Mayfield (1884)
Two years before the entire mine network was abandoned (in 1886), parts of Maitland Road were closed due to mine subsidence.
Below is an extract from historical newspaper and government reports;
Mr J McKenzie, inspector of the coalfields, has made a report by telegram and letter, to the Minister for Mines in reference to the undermining of the Maitland Road.
“On arriving at Peppertown yesterday I found another pitfall had taken place on AA Co or southern side of Great Northern road caused by Spennymoor side taking away the coal adjacent to the road..
I went down the Spennymoor Company’s pit, at Peppertown, with Mr Inspector Dixon today, and examined the roof of 10 4×5 yard bores which some time since were driven across the road by the Ferndale Coal company, and also made a careful examination of the workings up to where the recent pitfalls had taken place, through the Spennymoor company having worked out the coal under some portion of the footpath on the southern side of Maitland Road”.
- Peppertown = Mayfield East
- Spennymoor = Colliery between Maitland Road and Litchfield Park
- Ferndale = major colliery in Tighes Hill and Mayfield East
- Spennymoor Colliery & Ferndale Colliery were joined by mining under Maitland Road.
140 years later, mine subsidence continues in the same locations. However government departments are still saying that there are no mines under us, or, “unsure” if mining occurred.
There is no confusion – thanks to historical Newspaper and government records, it explains well why subsidence continues and repeats in the same locations.